How to choose the right international school in Bratislava
At Home Network, 2017. 09. 01.
How to choose the right international school in Bratislava
International schools have a lot to offer for students and could be an incredibly enriching experience for them. For many parents, education is paramount to their children’s future and this is naturally no different for parents living in Slovakia.
These schools are all about integration and acceptance, which make them an ideal environment to promote tolerance and personal development. However, choosing the right international school is challenging. Here are some strong points which have to be considered.
The early years of your child’s education are absolutely crucial, but you cannot necessarily send your children to the right international school if you don’t live in the right area. Parents must be aware of the international schools in their area, because in some ways, the location of a school is just as important as the school itself; choosing the right location will help keeping your children safe and secure, and can reduce the exhausting travelling time.
Know the schools inside and outside
Parents have to be aware of what each international schools are offering in terms of curriculum, extra-curricular activities, teaching style and general values. International schools are not the same, so it’s crucial to be able to distinguish the institutions in order to make the best informed decision.
For example, the Bratislava International School of Liberal Arts is the only one of its kind in Slovakia, namely a school that is founded on the principles of liberal arts and sciences. Meanwhile, the Nord Anglia British school is founded on different principles that might be more appropriate for your child. As a parent, you will already have a clear vision in mind of what you want your children’s education to be so you must choose the international school that best reflects your own ideas.
The language factor
Languages also need to be considered. Most international schools teach in English as a matter of course, and in Slovakia there are basic exams that students must take in order to visit higher education institutions. It requires proficiency in the Slovak language and an additional foreign language, so parents should ensure that the international school of their choice covers these bases well. Luckily, international schools’ curriculums already have a strong focus on languages, but some curriculums will have be more appealing than others.
Trusting your instincts and intuition will often produce good results, but that doesn’t mean that a great deal of thought shouldn’t go into the process of finding the right international school for your child. Slovakia has brilliant educational opportunities so research each institution thoroughly and remember that your child’s happiness is crucial.
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