
Místní trendy, trh s nemovitostmi a finance a naše nejlepší tipy jak


Domy, trendy a design
What You Need To Know About Smart Appliances
The integration of smart technology in everyday household appliances has become increasingly prevalent as technology advances.
Aktuální zprávy z Prahy
What will happen to the expat market in 2023?
What real estate price changes can be expected this year? How does the current economic situation affect the expat real estate market?
Domy, trendy a design
Create a real Christmas atmosphere in your new home: the magic of scents and lights
At a new home, where we have never spent the holidays before, doesn't necessarily have the Christmas atmosphere we want right away.
Aktuální zprávy z Prahy
How does the current situation redraw the map of real estate prices in Budapest?
The world market situation will drastically change the real estate market in the long term.
žijící v Praze
Closer to school? Where is the ideal place to move with the family?
It matters how far the family has to travel so that the children can attend an excellent institution.
Domy, trendy a design
Colour trends
I am sure everybody knows that the colour of the walls is very important in our house. We have ...
Domy, trendy a design
Along with the whole family – Multi generational properties
The question of multi-generational houses is very complex both financially and emotionally...
Domy, trendy a design
Smart homes and Home automation
Nowadays, home automation is a very popular product, because the system makes people life so much easier...
Domy, trendy a design
The Bauhaus home and interior design
When we think of Bauhaus style, the mind usually wanders to thoughts of minimalist and modern house structures