
Místní trendy, trh s nemovitostmi a finance a naše nejlepší tipy jak

žijící v Praze

žijící v Praze
The Slovak Capital's Situation on the Real Estate Market
Prices are still growing fast however reports from several markets in the region indicate a slowing of growth and expectation of easing
žijící v Praze
Co můžete zažít a vidět v Praze v týdnu od 20. do 26. ledna 2020 
Objevte největší a nejzajímavější události tohoto týdne, které můžete v Praze vidět a  navštívit. 
žijící v Praze
Bratislava During Christmas Time
As most of the cities in Europe, Bratislava also helds its own christmas fairs. Learn more about how we celebrate during Advent...
žijící v Praze
5 Reasons Why Visit Budapest Christmas Fair 2019
The Holidays are near, but the fair is still waiting for You!
žijící v Praze
žijící v Praze
Freetime, Culture, Exhibitions – Recreation in Vienna
Most of us think about Vienna as an amazing and elegant city, but why does we feel that way?
žijící v Praze
Moving to Bratislava
Bratislava is attracting many expats thanks to its central position, accelerating business life, lively cultural scene...
žijící v Praze
Luxury shopping in Vienna
Vienna is like a jewel box – many unique stores and special places can be found on its streets.
žijící v Praze
Districts for Expats in Bratislava
Expats moving to Bratislava really have the entire city within their reach; driving across the city can take about 30 minutes.