In 2015, there is an exciting mix of old and new elegant trends. In this year, interior design trends reinvent classic luxury. With the combination of modern and retro design we can create a friendly and artistic atmosphere in our home.
Classic design
Classic interior design can create a unique style and a comfortable home, which make a feeling of elegance and luxury. Warm and cold colours are also very dominant, so we can use beige, red, or grey shades as well. Nowadays, in classic apartment we usually see good quality of old antique furniture, but people easily match these with new furniture.
Modern and retro design
The combination of modern and retro design also use a comfortable and elegant style. Brown and warm colours with bright shades.are very dominant in modern design, while it uses various materials, such as rustic wood, stone, glass and metal. Modern design include simple furniture with curved shapes and textures, which are very cozy. Retro design use a variety of colours, for instance yellow, blue, kiwi, orange and red. The shapes of the furniture are not ordinary as well, because these are amazingly futuristic.