
Miestne trendy, trh s nehnuteľnosťami, financie a naše najlepšie tipy, ktoré vám pomôžu získať čo najviac pre váš nový domov.


Život v Bratislave
Best Neighborhoods for Families in Budapest
If you want to know where should you move with your family, we can help you with the decision!
Novinky At Home
The most spectacular place to watch the August 20 fireworks
The incomparable sight always attracts huge crowds, but where is the most memorable place to watch the fireworks?
Život v Bratislave
Finding Home Near International Schools: A Guide for Expats Moving to Budapest
Tips for finding a home near international schools
Život v Bratislave
10 apps can make your life easier moving to and staying in Budapest
Moving is exhausting and not knowing the new city is frustrating, but here's the help...
Život v Bratislave
Easter traditions in Hungary
Easter in Hungary is a vibrant tapestry of customs steeped in the essence of spring and renewal. Here, we invite you to delve into...
Domy, trendy a dizajn
Interior Design Trends 2024
We interviewed Eszter Radnóczy, the lead designer of 'este'r partners,' to inquire about the expected interior design trends in 2024.
Domy, trendy a dizajn
Real estate photography – but how?
How should we take good photos of our property?
Domy, trendy a dizajn
Furnished or Unfurnished?
How should you furnish your property?
Nehnuteľnosť sezóny
Properties of the month: Buda's two panoramic gems
We would like to present two properties in Buda that can be the dream of any buyer or tenant with a large family.