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Districts for Expats in Bratislava
Expats moving to Bratislava really have the entire city within their reach; driving across the city can take about 30 minutes.
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Is the Czech law pro-landlord?
Can a landlord and his tenant freely agree in the Czech Republic? We give you the answers to all rent-related questions.
Ingatlan, lakberendezés & design
Budapest felélénkül - 5 jelentős jövőbeli fejlesztés
Szeretett városunk napról napra fejlődik - mutatjuk azokat a projekteket, melyek hamarosan meghatározzák a város arculatát!
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Vienna’s Oasis - The Unmatched Donaukanal
In summertime Vienna is a great place to enjoy outdoor programs.
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Newest property listings in Bratislava
Discover our brand new selection of listings for rent in Bratislava
Budapesti élet
3 things to know before buying property in the Czech Republic
Skyrocketing real-estate prices present challenges to buyers let that be local or foreigner. Here are some key points to consider...
Ingatlan, lakberendezés & design
Ethical Use of Virtual Reality in Real Estate
Many realtors and homeowners are starting to embrace technological advancements such as virtual reality in staging...
At Home Hírek
Why selling your property now is the way to go?
Despite rising prices, Prague flats are an investment opportunity for foreigners in whose country the return is lower on Real Estate.
Budapesti élet
Renting or Owning, What Is Better for You?
In a real estate market as emerging as Vienna's many have begun to examine the idea of buying a home over choosing to rent. Good idea?