
Miestne trendy, trh s nehnuteľnosťami, financie a naše najlepšie tipy, ktoré vám pomôžu získať čo najviac pre váš nový domov.


Život v Bratislave
Ball season in Vienna
The Viennese Ball is a formal event recalling the romance and elegance of 19th-century Vienna.
Nehnuteľnosť sezóny
Newest properties in Prague
Our newest and most fashionable apartments for rent and for sale
Život v Bratislave
Meet the New Neighborhood of Budapest, 'The South Gate' !
Budapest is about to greet a new neighborhood in the Southern part of the city - Here are the key features that we can anticipate!
Život v Bratislave
Budapest Christmas Fair Was Voted Second-Best in Europe
Worldwide voting chose Budapest fair as 2nd best in Europe. If You've planned to roam in Budapest recently, don't miss out this time!
Život v Bratislave
How to Relocate Your Life to Vienna
What does it take to move there and relocate your life to Vienna?
Novinky At Home
Buying real estate – Part III: Where to purchase?
Budapest is one of the most versatile European capital, so finding the most suitable location is not that easy...
Život v Bratislave
Best deals of Prague – Top 3 offers
Eagerly wait to see the most exclusive properties in Prague?
Život v Bratislave
Život v Bratislave
Real estate investment options in Prague
Let's take a look at what offers the charming Czech capital city