
Miestne trendy, trh s nehnuteľnosťami, financie a naše najlepšie tipy, ktoré vám pomôžu získať čo najviac pre váš nový domov.


Život v Bratislave
Get Prepared for Renting in Vienna!
Vienna tops the world’s most liveable city surveys and for good reason. At Home will walk you through what's to know as your search...
Novinky At Home
What does VAT increase mean regarding the Budapest real estate market?
There has been an increase in real estate sales pricing starting 2020. What are the prospects for newly built properties and sellers?
Život v Bratislave
Obavy z narastajúcej bubliny v Strednej Európe v realitnom sektore sa zdajú byť odvrátené, pretože rast cien nehnuteľností na bývanie..
Život v Bratislave
Things to do in Prague this week: 20-26 January 2020
Discover the biggest and best things to do in Prague over the next seven days
Nehnuteľnosť sezóny
Property of the Season: Winter 2019 – Exclusive Art Noveau Apartment with Castle View
This time, we would like to present you one of our favourite properties in Prague which is available for rent.
Život v Bratislave
Bratislava počas vianočných sviatkov ožíva. Koniec koncov, nie je to veľké mesto a často, keď chodíte po uliciach Starého Mesta...
Život v Bratislave
5 Reasons Why Visit Budapest Christmas Fair 2019
The Holidays are near, but the fair is still waiting for You!
Nehnuteľnosť sezóny
Property of the season - Luxurious apartment close to the Stephansplatz and Stadtpark
The Fall 2019 choice selection property in Vienna is a first class  apartment which has impressive spaces and wide windows all through.
Domy, trendy a dizajn
How to take pictures of a luxury estate?
Photographing properties can be hard, even though images are key in business. Here are our pro tips!