
Miestne trendy, trh s nehnuteľnosťami, financie a naše najlepšie tipy, ktoré vám pomôžu získať čo najviac pre váš nový domov.


Novinky At Home
Why selling your property now is the way to go?
Despite rising prices, Prague flats are an investment opportunity for foreigners in whose country the return is lower on Real Estate.
Život v Bratislave
Renting or Owning, What Is Better for You?
In a real estate market as emerging as Vienna's many have begun to examine the idea of buying a home over choosing to rent. Good idea?
Život v Bratislave
Jednou z pozoruhodných vecí v Bratislave je aj to, že ponúka množstvo príležitostí, kde sa môžete najesť.
Život v Bratislave
Život v Bratislave
How to not waste energy at home?
Are you aware of your property's consumption? Learn the basics with this article.
Život v Bratislave
Finding the best home in Vienna
How to find the best house at the best price? - the all-time question realtors get.
Domy, trendy a dizajn
Novinky At Home
Debunking The Top 7 Myths About Real Estate Agents
Don't believe these misconceptions about Real Estate agencies and realtors
Život v Bratislave
4 things to do close to the Danube
You span it everyday without necessarily paying attention to It? The Danube invitates you ! Overview