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Život v Bratislave

Život v Bratislave
Is the Czech law pro-landlord?
Can a landlord and his tenant freely agree in the Czech Republic? We give you the answers to all rent-related questions.
Život v Bratislave
Vienna’s Oasis - The Unmatched Donaukanal
In summertime Vienna is a great place to enjoy outdoor programs.
Život v Bratislave
Život v Bratislave
3 things to know before buying property in the Czech Republic
Skyrocketing real-estate prices present challenges to buyers let that be local or foreigner. Here are some key points to consider...
Život v Bratislave
Renting or Owning, What Is Better for You?
In a real estate market as emerging as Vienna's many have begun to examine the idea of buying a home over choosing to rent. Good idea?
Život v Bratislave
Jednou z pozoruhodných vecí v Bratislave je aj to, že ponúka množstvo príležitostí, kde sa môžete najesť.
Život v Bratislave
Život v Bratislave
How to not waste energy at home?
Are you aware of your property's consumption? Learn the basics with this article.
Život v Bratislave
Finding the best home in Vienna
How to find the best house at the best price? - the all-time question realtors get.