
Helyi trendek, ingatlan piac & finanszírozás és szakértők tippjei, hogy a legtöbbet hozza ki otthonából


Budapesti élet
Economic growth is back, mortgage demand is exploding, housing completions remain low...
Ingatlan, lakberendezés & design
Get a Peek at Home Trends for 2020
Take a look at these 2020 home trends and try using your favorites to keep your home in style this year!
Budapesti élet
Newest properties on the market
We would like to present you our best luxury properties both for rent and for sale in Prague, from our At Home Prague office.
Budapesti élet
Get Prepared for Renting in Vienna!
Vienna tops the world’s most liveable city surveys and for good reason. At Home will walk you through what's to know as your search...
At Home Hírek
Mit is jelent az áfaváltozás a Budapesti ingatlanpiacra nézve?
22%-kal emelkedett az ingatlanpiaci értékesítésekre vonatkozó áfa. Milyen kilátásai vannak az újépítésű ingatlanoknak és az eladóknak?
Budapesti élet
The Slovak Capital's Situation on the Real Estate Market
Prices are still growing fast however reports from several markets in the region indicate a slowing of growth and expectation of easing
Budapesti élet
Things to do in Prague this week: 20-26 January 2020
Discover the biggest and best things to do in Prague over the next seven days
A hónap ingatlana
Property of the Season: Winter 2019 – Exclusive Art Noveau Apartment with Castle View
This time, we would like to present you one of our favourite properties in Prague which is available for rent.
Budapesti élet
Bratislava During Christmas Time
As most of the cities in Europe, Bratislava also helds its own christmas fairs. Learn more about how we celebrate during Advent...